Like it or not, you will spend a sizeable portion of your life at work. And the people who you spend it with matter – you want to get along well with your coworkers simply because you spend so much time together. So, how can you develop meaningful relationships with those people?
Offer Help – And Ask For It
A great thing about having close connections with the people you work with is that it’s easy to help each other out. Whether it’s a difficult project or simply a task that requires more than one person, collaborating and solving problems together is a great way to deepen bonds between coworkers. Make a point to offer help when you can, and don’t be afraid to ask for it, too – asking someone for help makes it clear that you trust them, which is a great foundation for friendships.
Be a Good Coworker
No one wants to deepen a professional relationship with someone who doesn’t pull their weight at work. That’s why one of the best things you can do to develop relationships with your coworkers is to be a good coworker yourself. If you go off-grid for hours at a time or fail to respond to a coworker’s messages, for example, you’re not showing that you’re very reliable. But being a solid coworker will make you well-liked, allowing deeper professional relationships to come easy.
Set Aside Time
Relationships, whether it’s a close professional relationship or even a true friendship, won’t happen without putting time in. That’s why setting aside time to actually spend with your coworkers – both inside and outside of the workplace – is so important. Arrange one-on-one meetings at work, or if you’re interested in developing connections outside of the workplace itself, take lunch breaks or coffee breaks together.
Ask Questions
Asking questions is a great way to get conversations started and, therefore, deepen professional relationships. Try asking your coworkers about work-related topics at first and, if they seem receptive, try some small talk. You don’t want to jump right in with personal questions, but asking about the basics – family, interests and hobbies, favorite restaurants – is a great way to get the ball rolling.
Looking For a Change?
If you’re ready to switch things up and find a new opportunity that can help you advance your career, we’re here to help. Contact a member of the Talent Corps team to learn more about c and get started on your job hunt.